Sunday Social
Hey Everybody! I have 2 giveaways going right now so be sure to check them out! Click this link to go to my giveaway for 2 Runbandz of your choice . (Tomorrow is the last day to enter!) Click here to go to my giveaway for anything of your choice with a value of up to $60 . Both have great prizes and they both have chances to earn more entries every day! (Only 7 days left!) I joined the link-up with Ashley and Neely again for Social Sunday! It looks like this week's questions are all about movies. 1. What is your favorite movie of all time? Hands down, my favorite movie is The Five People You Meet in Heaven . I first saw the movie during a class that I took in High School and I immediately had to go out and buy the DVD to watch it again. I knew that this was a book first and a lot of people loved it, I love the movie so much though. I could just watch it over and over. 2. What is your favorite movie quote? I honestly cannot think o...