F'Real Milkshakes--Smiley 360

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I've been signed up for Smiley 360 for a long time now and I cannot believe that I have never written a blog post about them! Smiley 360 is a website where you take a couple of surveys every once in awhile, and based on your answers they may or may not send you a product to review. This is not the first product that I have received from Smiley 360 but it is the first time that I'm blogging about it!

This month, I was chosen to review the F'Real milkshakes and smoothies. They sent me this awesome t-shirt! I don't remember them asking me for a shirt size so I'm guessing that they just sent everybody a Medium? I think this shirt is so awesome though! I would wear it while I'm working out because it's a little big. I don't think the other gym goers would appreciate me wearing this to the gym though. I'd be tempting them to get a milkshake too much... 

They also sent me this cake batter scented car freshener. Cake batter is one of their new flavors so I think that they are trying to promote it. On a normal day, I would never buy a cake batter scented car freshener. It would tempt me to eat cake whenever I got into my car. Maybe I'll put it in my boyfriends car? His car definitely needs an air freshener. 

Now for the best part of the whole package! They sent me 5 coupons to get some free milkshakes and smoothies. I will definitely be using these coupons to get my family a treat on a hot summer day. I know of at least on place in my town that sells F'Real smoothies because I've bought them before. I can find their machine at the Bucky's gas station. Have you ever used their machine before? It's pretty cool. You pick out your flavor of milkshake from the freezer then you stick the cup in the machine. Then you can choose the thickness that you want your milkshake to be. I'll definitely have to try out their new cake batter milkshake! I  already know that their chocolate tastes amazing.

Are you signed up for Smiley 360? If you're not then you can always click here to sign up! It's a free service and they want your opinion on new and upcoming products!

What do you think of F'Real milkshakes? What's your favorite flavor?

Disclaimer: I received these products for review purposes only, no compensation was received for my review. All opinions are my own. 


  1. we don't have these in canada i don't think but i do love milkshakes!


    1. They're so good! Hopefully they have another really good milkshake brand in Canada :)

    2. NOOOO no milkshakes haha. I am lactose intolerant & trying to lose some weight. Must stay away from the milkshakes! haha

    3. They have f'real milkshakes at Mac's!

  2. Yummm, lucky. Sounds like a cool sit!
    Your blog is great too, going back to check out past posts now!
    Would you like to follow each other on GFC or bloglovin'??


    Blog: Stolen Inspiration
    Instagram: KendraAlexandra
    Facebook: StolenInspiration

  3. cool thanks for sharing =) hope you'll have time to visit my blog too =) and you might want to follow each other? =) just let me know =) feel free to join my international giveaway too =)hope to see you on my blog kisses

  4. What an awesome company :)
    Check out my blog and let me know what you think?


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