Cassani Fogless Shower Mirror Review
Have you ever wished that there was a mirror in your shower? Guys might need one when they're shaving in the shower. I know I've wished I had one when I was putting my face wash on in the morning, I like to know that I completely covered my face. That's why I was really excited to try out the Cassani Fogless Mirror
. You can stick this mirror onto a wall in your shower, and it won't even fog up!
The instructions to install the mirror are very simple. All you need to do is peel off the sticky on the back and apply it to wherever you want in the shower. To make the mirror fogless, all you have to do is run it under the running water in the shower and it will stay fogless all while you are in the shower.
The box comes with the mirror, a handle to hold the mirror up and a piece that holds your razor. D really liked the mirror in the shower because then he could just shave with washing his hair. I thought that the mirror was perfect. If for whatever reason, I wanted to take the mirror down then I was able to because it comes off of it's hook. It was perfect size too, not too big and not too small. I used it to make sure I was completely covering my face with face wash and D used it to shave, we were both very happy!
If you want to buy this product, you can Click Here to buy it off of Amazon for $14.99!
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