Kona Kase September 2013 Review + Coupon
My Kona Kase came in the mail today!! I haven't received a Kona Kase in quite awhile so I was really happy to get this one again. I remember the last Kona Kase that I received and I was a little bit on the fence about it. They sent a lot of smaller items that I knew I wouldn't really like so I was curious to see how much they have changed. Let me tell you, they have made very good changes to their boxes!
If I remember correctly, the Kona Kase box used to be a bit bigger. It looks like they sized it down a little but in my opinion, that isn't a bad thing. They had some pretty amazing products in this month's box.
Krave Beef Jerky, Chili Lime ($3.74)
I can't eat enough beef jerky. I see this brand around quite a bit but I've never really tried it before. I think that Chili Lime sounds like an amazing flavor though.
This is definitely a mixture of foods that I have never tried before. The first ingredient that's listed is Kale. I've tried Kale before but it wasn't exactly my favorite or anything. I'm still more than happy to try new things but this is still different than anything else that I'm used to eating.
YAY!! I love the Justin packets of nut butter. Oh my goodness they taste so amazing. I know that people
say nut butters are bad for you because they have so much fat, but that's just a myth. Your body needs fat in your diet more than it needs excessive carbohydrates and processed sugars. Hazelnut butter tastes amazing, and it's good for you.
Biotrust Protein Cookie ($2.50)
Who doesn't love cookies with 12 grams of protein in them? Regular cookies only have like, 2 grams of protein in them. These may end up being my new favorite splurge snack.
Quest Nutrition Protein Bar ($2.12)
This may be why
Kona Kase is my new favorite healthy food box. Quest bars are by far, the best protein bar that you could ever get. I spend a lot of time with body builders and they could back me up on this one. My coaches have always told me to not eat protein bars. In reality, most of them are just as bad for you as regular candy bars. Quest bars are the only protein bars that my coaches can agree on. Plus, they taste amazing!
RiseBar Protein Bar ($1.85)
As I just got done telling you all how amazing Quest bars are, here's another protein bar LOL. I'm not sure how these taste but if I saw them on a grocery shelf, I'd probably walk right by them. I like the name, the flavor sound great and their packaging is very attractive but I don't like the fact that this one bar has 20 carbohydrates in it. To get the total net carbs, you subtract the fiber from the carbs and this bar would have 16 net carbs. Quest bars only have 4-6 net carbs. When I'm eating healthy, I avoid processed sugar and carbs, this bar just wouldn't fit into my healthy diet.
LARABAR ($1.25)
Would you believe that I've never tried a LARABAR before? I see them all the time but I've never tried one before. I know that I love carrot cake though. I wonder if it tastes similar to actual carrot cake? Probably not but I'm still excited to try it out!
Total Value of the Box: $17.07
I loved this month's Kona Kase! They had some pretty amazing items that I can't wait to try out.
Don't forget that you can get $5 off of your first Kona Kase by using my referral link! Just click here to get $5 off: Kona Kase
Disclaimer: I received this box for free as a referral gift but all opinions are my own. This post includes referral links.
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